Όσοι φοιτητές έχουν επιλέξει το μάθημα «Φυσιολογία μάθησης και μνήμης» θα παρουσιάσουν και θα παραδώσουν τις εργασίες τους στα μαθήματα που θα γίνουν στις 14/5 και 21/5/2019, σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω πρόγραμμα.
Υπενθυμίζεται ότι η εκπόνηση και η παρουσίαση της εργασίας είναι υποχρεωτική για τη συμμετοχή στις εξετάσεις.
2017 A Closer Look at the Hippocampus and Memory
2016 Hippocampal functional connectivity and episodic memory in early childhood
2013 The medial temporal lobe: memory and beyond.
2017 Time (and space) in the hippocampus
2017 Hippocampal contributions to memory for time: evidence from neuropsychological studies
2016 The extended trajectory of hippocampal development: Implications for early memory development and disorder
2016 Learning and memory under stress: implications for the classroom
2018 Synaptic plasticity in human cortical circuits: cellular mechanisms of learning and memory in the human brain?
2018 Rejuvenation of plasticity in the brain: opening the critical period
2013 Interplay of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in memory.
2017 Short-term memory for spatial, sequential and duration information
2018 Making Memories: Why Time Matters
2017 Development of Hippocampal Functional Connectivity during Childhood
2018 Implications of the declarative/procedural model for improving second language learning: The role of memory enhancement techniques
2018 Dreaming of a learning task is associated with enhanced memory consolidation: Replication in an overnight sleep study.