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Academic rank: Professor Subject: Clinical Psychology - Psychopathology Email: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε. Office: Papastratos complex, New Bulding, 1st floor, 12 Tel: (+30) 24210-74738 |
Research interests
• Clinical Psychology with emphasis on Existential Psychology, Meaning in Life and Spirituality
• Psychopathology with emphasis on Depression, Loneliness, Anxiety and Addictions (Internet, Alcoholism, Drug Usage)
• Special Education – Counselling Persons with Special Needs or/and Disabilities
• Counselling Psychology in the area of Health/Disability
• Health Psychology
• Counselling / Psychotherapy: Integrative, Existential and Cultural–Multicultural Approach
• Animal–Assisted Counselling and Psychotherapy
SED courses
Undergraduate level
• Clinical Psychology: Psychological Problems of Childhood
• Clinical Psychology Workshop: Counseling in Parents and Children
• Theories of Personality
• Psychopathology
Postgraduate level
• Clinical Psychology Workshop I: Counselling Intervention Techniques
• Clinical Psychology Workshop II: Counselling Intervention Techniques
• Clinical Psychology Workshop III: Counselling Intervention Techniques
• Counselling
Office hours
and after e-mail contact
Short CV
George Kleftaras is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor in "Clinical Psychology – Psychopathology" at the Department of Special Education. He is also the Director of the: (a) Postgraduate Program (M.Sc.) “Counselling Psychology & Counselling in Special–General Education and Health” and (b) “Laboratory of Psychology and Applications on Education” in which operates the “University Students Counselling Service” providing psychological support to the students of the University of Thessaly.
He studied Psychology and Occupational Therapy. His doctoral degree is in Psychopathology and Differential Psychology, University of Paris-X-Nanterre, France. He has an M.A. Degree in Applied Psychology, University of Moncton, Canada, a D.E.A. in Experimental Psychology, University of Paris-X-Nanterre, France, and a D.U.S.R. in Rehabilitation, University of Paris XII-Val De Marne, France.
He has significant clinical work in counselling and psychotherapy. Ηe is the scientific editor of the book series “Modern Psychological Issues” at the “Pedio” publishing company and a reviewer at a number of Journals such as: “Child Development”, “European Journal of Psychological Assessment”, “The Gerontologist”, “Hellenic Journal of Psychology”, “Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society” etc. He has also been a reviewer of the book series “Psychologie Clinique et Psychopathologie”, issued in France by the “Presse Universitaire de Grenoble” publishing company and the scientific editor of the book series “Clinical-Counselling Psychology, Psychopathology–Psychoyherapy” at the ”Atrapos” publishing company.
He has an extensive teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate programs at the Universities of Thessaly, Crete, Athens, the Aegean and at the T.E.I. of Athens while he has participated in a number of funded research and/or intervention programs. He has published numerous scientific papers, articles and books in Greek, English and French, which have received more than 360 citations.
Selected publications
1. Kleftaras, G., & Alexopoulos, D. (in press). Childhood depression in the school environment. Pedio [pp. 237, in Greek]
2. Kleftaras, G. (2004). La dépression: Approche cognitive et comportementale. Paris: L’Harmattan [pp. 255].
3. Kleftaras, G. (1998). Depression today: Description, diagnosis, theories and research evidence. Athens: Ellinika Grammata [pp. 292, in Greek].
Edited books
1. Kleftaras, G. (Ed.) (2009). Cultural and multicultural counselling: People with special needs, minority groups, students. Athens: Ellinika Grammata [pp. 325, in Greek ].
2. Kleftaras, G., & Κaila, Μ. (Eds.) (2009). From psychopathology to meaning in life. Athens: Pedio [pp. 400, in Greek].
3. Malikiosi-Loizou, M., Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D., & Kleftaras, G., (Eds.) (2006). Counselling psychology for women. Athens: Ellinika Grammata [pp. 444, in Greek ]
4. Zafiropoulou, Μ., & Kleftaras, G. (Eds.) (2004). Applied clinical psychology for children. Athens: Ellinika Grammata [pp. 444, in Greek].
Book chapters and proceedings
1. Giota, K., & Kleftaras, G. (2014). Cyberpsychology and Social Media: Online Social Support in Mental Health. In P. Kommers, P. Isaias & I. Tomayess (Eds.), Perspectives on Social Media (pp. 56-64). London: Routledge.
2. Giota, K. G. & Kleftaras, G. (2013). The role of depression and personality in seeking social support on facebook. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference: ICT, Society and Human Beings 2013, Prague.
3. Didaskalou, E., & Kleftaras, G. (2007). Greek pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions concerning depressive symptomatology. In The European Conference: The European Dimension of Special Education – Emergence of a Different Profile (pp. 266-275). Thessalonica, University Studio Press.
4. Kleftaras, G. (2000). Counseling ethnic minority individuals: A multicultural approach. In M. Malikiosi-Loizos (Ed.), Education, communication and counseling (pp. 235-261). Athens: Ellinika Grammata.
Refereed journal articles
1. Kleftaras, G., & Diamantakos, E. (under review). The effects of a dog assisted activities programme on preschool children's well-being, school progress and adaptation. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
2. Giota, K., & Kleftaras, G. (under review). Social Media in the Greek Economic Crisis: Unemployment, Depression, and Gender Differences. Journal of Media Psychology.
3. Kleftaras, G., & Vassilou E. (in press). Spirituality and the psychological impact of unemployment: Personality characteristics, loneliness and depressive symptomatology. European Journal of Counselling Psychology (accepted).
4. Kleftaras, G., & Alexopoulos, D. (2015). Depressive symptomatology in Greek preadolescents: The role of parenting style perceptions. Marriage & Family Review, 51(6), 564-585.
5. Katsogianni, I., & Kleftaras, G. (2015). Spirituality, meaning in life and depressive symptomatology in drug addiction. International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 5(2), 11-24.
6. Giota, K. G., & Kleftaras, G. (2014). The discriminant value of personality, motivation and online relationship quality in predicting attraction to online social support in facebook. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30, 985-994.
7. Giota, K. G., & Kleftaras, G. (2014). Social Media and Counseling: Opportunities, Risks and Ethical Considerations. International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering, 8(8), 2338-2340.
8. Kleftaras, G., & Georgiou, C (in press). Substance Use: Depressive Symptomatology, Desire for Control and Time Perspective. Mental Health and Substance Use, 7(3).
9. Giota, K. G., & Kleftaras, G. (2014). Mental health apps: innovations, risks and ethical considerations. E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks, 3, 19-23.
10. Kleftaras, G., & Psarra, Ε. (2013). Meaning in life: Scale’s factorial structure and well-being. Review of Counselling and Guidance, 102, 59-74 [in Greek].
11. Psarra, E., & Kleftaras, G. (2013). Adaptation to physical disabilities: The role of meaning in life and depression. European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2(1), 79–99.
12. Κleftaras, G., & Katsogianni, I. (2012). Spirituality, meaning in life, and depressive symptomatology in individuals with alcohol dependence. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 14, 268–288.
13. Kleftaras, G., & Psarra, E. (2012). Meaning in life, psychological well-being and depressive symptomatology: A comparative study. Psychology, 3(4), 337-345.
14. Kleftaras, G. (2012). Le lieu de contrôle et la dépression chez les personnes âgées. Archives de Médecine Neuro-Psychologique A.P.P.A.E., 18(4), 16-18.
15. Kleftaras, G., & Tzonichaki, I. (2010). Perceived locus of control and depression among Greek young and older adults. Review of Counselling and Guidance, 92-93, 33-46.
16. Kleftaras, G. (2008). Difficulties and barriers in counseling and psychotherapy of cultural and ethnic minority individuals. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 15, 71-89 [in Greek].
17. Kleftaras, G. (2007). Stages of adaptation to physical impairment: The role of psychological counselling. Social Sciences Tribune, 49, 149-180 [in Greek].
18. Kleftaras, G., Psarra, Ε., & Κalantzi-Αzizi Α. (2007). Meaning in life: A comparative study among individuals with low, moderate and high depressive symptomatology. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 14(3), 311-325 [in Greek].
19. Kleftaras, G., & Didaskalou, E. (2006). Incidence and teachers’ perceived causation of depression in primary school children. School Psychology International, 27(3), 296-314.
20. Kleftaras, G. (2006). Factors of self-acceptance to physical disability and psychological counselling. Social Sciences Tribune, 45, 53-72 [in Greek].
21. Kleftaras, G. (2006). Psychosocial factors and later life depressive symptoms in a Greek community sample. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 25(2), 13-32.
22. Kleftaras, G. (2005). The concept of loss, reactions to physical disability and their importance to psychological counselling. Review of Counselling and Guidance, 72-73, 77-95 [in Greek].
23. Kleftaras, G. (2004). The body image and its importance in counselling individuals with physical disabilities. Review of Counselling and Guidance, 68-69, 43-64 [in Greek].
24. Kleftaras, G. (2003). The importance of the cultural factor in counselling individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Psychology: The Journal of the Greek Psychological Society, 10, 362-377 [in Greek].
25. Tzonichaki, I., & Kleftaras, G. (2002). Paraplegia from spinal cord injury: Self-esteem, loneliness and life satisfaction. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research: Occupation, Participation and Health, 22(3), 96-103.
26. Κleftaras, G. (2000). Interpersonal problem-solving of means-ends thinking, frequency and strength of pleasant and unpleasant activities and symptoms of depression in French older adults. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 17(4), 43-63.
27. Kleftaras, G. (2000). Cognitive specificity of depression and anxiety: Methodological issues and research findings. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 7(1), 46-62 [in Greek].