Academic Rank: Professor
Subject: Linguistics: Educational & Neuropsychological Approach to First and Second/Foreign Language
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Tel: (+30) 24210 - 74837 and 74767
Curriculum vitae
Research interests
- Linguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Online education (distance learning)
- Use of the eye tracking technology in the first and second/foreign language teaching and assessment
- Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Development and assessment of cognitive and language functions
- Learning Disabilities-Oral and written language problems
- First and second/foreign language teaching
- Bilingualism-Multilingualism
- Language and digital literacy in school and non-school environment and in multicultural or/and minority environments
- Development of educational material
- Teachers’ training
SED courses
- Introduction into Linguistics
- Teaching Greek as a second/foreign language
- Psycholinguistics and Clinical Linguistics
- Teaching Language in General and Special Education
- Accommodations in teaching and the teaching material of the Language subject for students with learning disabilities (postgraduate course-coordination and teaching)
- Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) (postgraduate seminar)
- Child development-Language acquisition (Erasmus course-coordination and teaching
- Current trends in Special/Inclusive education (Erasmus course-3 hour lecture)
Office hours
Tuesday 10.00-12.00 and Wednesday 10.00-12.00
Selected administrative positions
- Elected member of the Administrative Board of the University of Thessaly since July 2024
- Head of the Department of Special Education (November 2019-July 2024)
- Vice Director and member of the coordinating committee of the Postgraduate Program of SED “Counselling Psychology and Counselling in Education, Health and Special Education” (September 2019-August 2023)
- Director of the MSc in Special Education of the Department of Special Education (September 2011-August 2015
- Director of the Laboratory of Bilingual Education since 2016
- Coordinator of the host University (University of Thessaly) of the Greek Diaspora Program (funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation) in May 2020
- Coordinator of the Program of foreign languages (English and French) for obtaining the diploma for teaching in foreign language schools equal to 30 ECTS, of the University of Thessaly during the academic year 2018-19 (after evaluation from the Greek Ministry of Education)
- Coordinator of the summer school of Greek language and culture for IKY foreign scholars in August 2015 (after evaluation from the Greek Ministry of Education)
- Coordinator of the program of Doctoral Studies of SED since 2013
Selected funded and/or research projects
- Participation in the research program "Forms of care, school education in the first Greek children's preventorium "the swallows" in Pelion", funded by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Participation in the research program "Investigation of ADHD Syndrome by the method of visual and auditory evoked potentials and Polysomnography (sleep study)", sponsored by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Participation in the research program "Impact of gender and hand selection on foreign language learning", sponsored by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Participation in the research program "The involvement of cerebellum in reading and language ability: Research in adults and children with cerebellum dysfunctions", sponsored by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Participation in the EPEAEK program "Integration of Gypsies in School", Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, University of Thessaly, Volos, 2007.
- Participation in the targeted research program "Planning and pilot application of special Greek language courses for immigrants, parents with children in compulsory education", sponsored by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly (The Program was awarded, after evaluation, by the National Scholarships Foundation with the "European Language Label 2012").
- Participation in the project of the Regional Operational Program Macedonia-Thrace-Intercultural Mediators "Development and utilization of teaching material in the fields of health education, mourning management, in-school violence and emotional intelligence" funded by the European Union (Project Code ICT-000602).
- Coordinator of the research program "Use of Music Therapy for the Development of Speech and bi-subjectivity in children with Autism: A Family-Focused Intervention Model", funded by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Coordinator of the Research Program "Investigating the bilingual transfer of skills from the second/foreign language to the first language through a second language intervention program for students with learning disabilities", funded by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Coordinator of the Research Program "Investigating the interaction theory through the application of customized assessment reading material for students with and without specific reading disorder in foreign language education", funded by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly.
- Coordinator of the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (in collaboration with the University of Alabama) funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
- Coordinator in Greece for the Erasmus+ KA2, University of Thessaly, Mainstream for the Empowerment of Disabled People in an Inclusive Approach (MEDIA), funded by the European Commission (2019-2021, main co-ordinator France)
- Coordinator in Greece for the Erasmus+ KA2, University of Thessaly, Sustainable Codes and Holistic Environment for Minor Migrants in Europe, funded by the European Commission (2020-2022, main co-ordinator France)
- Coordinator of the research program (in cooperation with the University of Queensland, Australia) “Co-operative learning in two different languages and cultures: Greek language vs English language learning in Greece and Australia”, funded by the Foundation of State Scholarships, 2022
- Coordinator of the program “The use of the eye tracking technology in the investigation of causal relations between Rapid Automatized Naming, RAN) and arithmetic fluency in dyslexia, funded by the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020" and co-sponsored from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Special action: Maturation of Research Results (proof of concept, 2023-2024). Host Institution: Research Committee of the University of Thessaly
- Co-investigator in the program “Empowering students with determination: Assessing the impact of a user-friendly parent and teacher portal of collaboration, progress tracking and intervention goals” (2024-2026), funded by the Zayed University, UAE.
Selected Publications
A) Books-Chapters in Books
- Andreou, G. (2002) 1st edition, (2009) 2nd edition, (2012) 3rd edition. Language: Theoritical and Methodological Approach. Athens: Pedio Publications.
- Andreou, G., Andreou, E. & Vlachos, F. (2006). Individual differences in second language learning among university students, in S. N. Hogan (ed.) Progress in Learning Research, (pp. 81-98). NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Agapitou, P. & Andreou, G. (2010). Language and Attention Deficit, in Vogindroukas, I, Okalidou, A. & Stavrakaki, S. (eds.) Developmental Disorders: From research to clinical practice (pp. 35-56). Thessaloniki: Epikentro Publications.
- Vlachos, F. & Andreou, G. (2011). Language development in infancy and childhood: Neuropsychological approach and current electrophysiological findings, in Current issues in Neuropsychology: Early detection, assessment and intervention (pp. 140-170). Volos: Publications of the Laboratory of Neuropsychology.
- Andreou, G., Vlachos, F. & Makanikas, K. (2012). Neurocognitive deficits in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), in T. Heinbockel (ed.) Neuroscience (pp. 93-114). Intech Publications.
- Andreou, G. & Makanikas, K. (2014, 2022). Obstructive Sleep Apnea/hypopnea Syndrome (OSAS) and its effects on linguistic/verbal abilities from childhood to adulthood. In G. Andreou (ed.) Language and Special Education: A Psycholinguistic Approach (pp. 185-213 & 199-227). Thessaloniki: Giachoudis Publications.
- Andreou, G. (2015). Communicative approach of written texts in adolescence, in G. Androulakis (ed.), Language Education: 35 studies devoted to the Professor Napoleon Mitsis (pp. 132-142). Αthens: Gutenberg.
- Andreou, G. & Tasioudi, M. (2018). Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Does It Really Affect Language Acquisition During Early Childhood?. In E. Babatsouli, D. Ingram, & N. Müller (eds.) Crosslinguistic Encounters in Language Acquisition - Typical and Atypical Development (pp. 175-196). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Andreou, G., Tsela, V. & Tzivinikou, S. (2018). Developmental Dyslexia and second/foreign language learning: Crosslinguistic transfer from Greek as first/native language to French as second/foreign language. In F. Vlachos (ed.) Greek Review on Special Education (special issue on Developmental Dyslexia), (5, pp. 221-252).
- Anastassiou, F., Andreou, G. & Baseki, J. (2020). Learners of English as a foreign language in Greece: the factors of their heritage language and literacy. In F. Anastassiou & G. Andreou (eds.) English as a foreign language: Perspectives on teaching, multilingualism and interculturalism, (pp. 20-39). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Baseki, J., Andreou, G. & Anastassiou, F. (2020). Mirrors and Windows Made of Language: The Case of Greek Dyslexic and non-Dyslexic Children Composing in Both Greek and English as a Foreign Language (A Linguistic - Cognitive Analysis). In F. Anastassiou & G. Andreou (eds.) English as a foreign language: Perspectives on teaching, multilingualism and interculturalism, (pp. 238-274). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Kokkinis, N. & Andreou, G. (2021). More rare syndromes which influence learning: Cri du Chat syndrome. In A. C. Malegiannaki & M. E. Kosmidou (eds.), Neuropsychology of genetic syndromes (pp. 607-627). Athens: Gutenberg.
- Andreou, G. & Raxioni, K. (2021). Language development and language deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In S. Stavrakaki (ed.), Language and Cognition in Developmental and Acquired Disorders (pp. 3-21). Athens: Vita Medical Publications.
- Liakou, M., Andreou, G. & Tsela, V. (2021). Syntactic skills and deficits in the written language of adolescent students. In S. Stavrakaki (ed.), Language and Cognition in Developmental and Acquired Disorders (pp. 87-113). Athens: Vita Medical Publications.
- Andreou, G. & Athanasiadou, P. (2022). Accommodations in second/foreign language teaching for students with learning disabilities. In G. Andreou (ed.) Language and Special Education: A Psycholinguistic Approach (pp. 97-124). Thessaloniki: Giachoudis Publications.
- Aslanoglou, V., Andreou, G., Vlachos, F., & Lymperopoulou, V. (2023). Writing Skills of Individuals with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). In D. Katsarou (Ed.), Developmental Language Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (pp. 323-337). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-0644-4.ch024
B) Selected publications in international journals
- Καrapetsas, A. & Andreou, G. (1999). Cognitive development of fluent and nonfluent bilingual speakers assessed with tachistoscopic techniques. Psychological Reports, 84, 697-700.
- Κarapetsas, A. & Andreou, G. (2001). Visual field asymmetries for rhyme and semantic tasks in fluent and non-fluent bilinguals. Βrain and Language, 78, 53-61.
- Andreou, G. & Karapetsas, A. (2001). Hemispheric asymmetries of visual ERPs in left-handed bilinguals. Cognitive Brain Research, 12, 333-335.
- Andreou, G. & Karapetsas, A. (2002). Accuracy and speed of processing verbal stimuli among subjects with low and high ability in Mathematics. Educational Psychology, 22(5), 613-619.
- Andreou, G., Galanopoulou, C., Gourgouliannis, K., Karapetsas, A. & Molyvdas, P. (2002). Cognitive status in Down syndrome subjects with οbstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 50, 145-149.
- Vlachos, F., Andreou, G., Andreou, E. (2003). Biological and environmental influences in visuospatial abilities. Learning and Individual Differences, 13, 339-347.
- Andreou, G., Karapetsas, A., Gourgouliannis, K. & Agapitou, P. (2003). Verbal intelligence and sleep disorders in children with ADHD. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 96, 1283-1288.
- Andreou, G. & Karapetsas, A. (2004). Verbal abilities in low and highly proficient bilinguals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 33 (5), 357-364.
- Ανδρέου, Γ. & Καραπέτσας, Α. (2002). Αντίληψη και κατανόηση του γραπτού λόγου μητρικής και ξένης γλώσσας. Εφαρμοσμένη Γλωσσολογία, 18, 7-18.
- Andreou, Ε., Andreou, Γ. & Vlachos, F. (2004). Studying orientations and performance on verbal fluency tasks in second language. Learning and Individual Differences, 15, 23-33.
- Andreou, G., Agapitou, P. & Karapetsas, A. (2005). Verbal skills in children with ADHD. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20(2), 231-238.
- Andreou, G. & Mitsis, N. (2005). Greek as a foreign language by speakers of Arabic. Language Culture and Curriculum, 18(2), 181-187.
- Andreou, G. Vlachos, F. & Andreou, E. (2005). Affecting factors in second language learning. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 34(5), 429-438.
- Andreou, E., Vlachos, F. & Andreou, G. (2006). Approaches to studying among Greek university students: the impact of gender, age, academic discipline and handedness. Educational Research, 48(3), 301-311.
- Andreou, G. & Galantomos, I. (2006). Proposition for teaching metaphors and idioms of Modern Greek as a foreign language. Investigationes Linguisticae, Vol. XIII, 1-8.
- Andreou, G. & Agapitou, P. (2007). Reduced language abilities in adolescents who snore. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22, 225-229.
- Vlachos, F., Papathanasiou, I. & Andreou, G. (2007). Cerebellum and Reading. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 59, 177-183.
- Andreou, G., Vlachos, F. & Haftouras, N. (2007). The cerebellum and language functions. Psychology, 14(2), 113-126.
- Andreou, G. (2007). Phonological awareness in bilingual and trilingual school children. The Linguistics Journal, 3(3), 8-15.
- Andreou, G., Karapetsas, A. & Galantomos, I. (2008). Modern Greek language acquisition of morphology and syntax by non-native speakers. The Reading Matrix, 8(1), 35-42.
- Agapitou, P. & Andreou, G. (2008). Language deficits in ADHD preschoolers. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 13(1), 39-49.
- Andreou, G. & Galantomos, I. (2008). Designing a conceptual syllabus for teaching metaphors and idioms in a foreign language context. Porta Linguarum, 9, 69-77.
- Dermitzaki, I. Andreou, G. & Paraskeva, V. (2008). High and low reading comprehension achievers’ strategic behavior and its relation to performance in reading comprehension. Reading Psychology, 29, 471-492.
- Andreou, E., Andreou, G. & Vlachos, F. (2008). Learning styles and performance in second language tasks. TESOL Quarterly, 42(4), 665-674.
- Andreou, G. & Karapetsas, A. (2008). Neurolinguistic differences in language processing between the sexes. The Open Applied Linguistics Journal, 1, 56-58.
- Andreou, G. & Galantomos, I. (2008). Teaching idioms in a foreign language context: preliminary comments on factors determining Greek idiom instruction. Metaphorik.de, 15, 7-23.
- Andreou, G. & Galantomos, I. (2009). Conceptual competence as a component of second language fluency. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 38, 587-591.
- Andreou, G. & Galantomos, I. (2009). The native speaker ideal in FLT. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 6(2), 200-208.
- Andreou, G., Galantomos, I. & Gourgouliannis, K. (2010). The “language” of the unsuccessful anti-smoking campaign in Greece: examples from Greek newspaper headlines. Preventive Medicine, 51, 336-337.
- Andreou, G. (2011). Language impairments of the depressive brain. Neuroscience Letters, 500, Supplement, p. e20.
- Andreou, G. & Baseki, J. (2012). Phonological and spelling mistakes among dyslexic and non-dyslexic children learning two different languages: Greek vs English. Psychology, 3(8), 595-600.
- Andreou, G. & Trott, K. (2013). Verbal fluency in adults diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, ISSN 1866-6116, DOI 10.1007/s12402-013-0112-z
- Andreou, G., Vlachos, F. & Makanikas, K. (2014). Effects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea on cognitive functions: Evidence for a common nature. Sleep Disorders, 1-18.
- Γιάτσου, Α., Παπαδημητρίου, A., Δαρδιώτης, E., Ανδρέου, Γ. & Κουτέ, Β. (2014). Διαγνωστική αξιολόγηση μαθησιακών δυσκολιών σε παιδιά με επιληψία. Εγκέφαλος, 51, 94-97.
- Stavroussi, P., Andreou, G. & Karagiannopoulou, D. (2016). Verbal fluency and verbal short term memory in adults with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 63, 1, 122-140.
- Baseki, J. Andreou, G. & Tzivinikou, S. (2016). Dyslexia and spelling in two different orthographies (Greek vs English): A linguistic analysis. Journal of Advances in Linguistics (JAL), 7(1), 1172-1191.
- Katsarou, D. & Andreou, G. (2017). Receptive and Expressive Semantic Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. International Education and Research Journal, 3(3), 135-136.
- Riga, A., Andreou, G. & Anastassiou, F. (2017). Enhancing the language literacy skills of children with Specific Learning Difficulties; a review on the use of technology and the application of innovative teaching methods. European Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(3), 13-18.
- Vaiouli, P. & Andreou, G. (2017). Communication and Language Development of Young Children with Autism: A Review of Research in Music. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 39 (2), 323-329 [among the first 10 articles (5th in the row) downloaded the most in 2020 on the SAGE Journals platform, 994 downloads, according to CDQ official report].
- Αndreou, G. & Segklia, M. (2017). Learning difficulties in first and second language: Preliminary results from a cross-linguistic skills transfer. English Linguistics Research, 6(3), 62-71.
- Andreou, G., Tsela, V. & Anastassiou, F. (2018). Reading skills in Greek as a first language and in French as a foreign language among primary and secondary education school children with specific reading disorder. Education and Linguistics Research, 4 (1), 81-102.
- Andreou, G., Athanasiadou, P. & Tzivinikou, S. (2019). Accommodations on reading comprehension assessment for students with learning disabilities: A review study. Psychology, 10(4), 521-538.
- Andreou, G. & Segklia, M. (2019). Cross-Linguistic Skills Transfer from the Second/Foreign Language to the First among Students with Learning Disabilities after an Intervention Program in the Second Language. Creative Education, 10, 1023-1036.
- Katsarou, D. & Andreou, G. (2019). Bilingualism in Down Syndrome: A Greek Study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2019.1684458
- Andreou, G. & Lemoni, G. (2020). Narrative Skills of Monolingual and Bilingual Pre-School and Primary School Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): A Systematic Review. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 10, 429-458.
- Andreou, G. & Chartomatsidou, E. (2020). A Review Paper on the Syntactic Abilities of Individuals with Down Syndrome. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 10, 480-523.
- Makanikas, K., Andreou, G., Simos, P. & Chartomatsidou, E. (2021). Effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and medical comorbidities on language abilities. Frontiers in Neurology, 12:721334. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.721334
- Andreou, G. & Aslanoglou, V. (2022). Written Language Production in Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 833429. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.833429
- Andreou, G. & Raxioni, K. (2022). Language development, reading and word learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A review on eye tracking studies. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-18 doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2021.2024404
- Katsarou, D. & Andreou, G. (2022). Morphosyntactic abilities in young children with Down Syndrome: evidence from the Greek language. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 1-11 https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12730
- Katsarou, D. & Andreou, G. (2022). Phonological patterns in Greek language in toddlers and children with Down Syndrome and children with language impairment. British Journal of Special Education http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12410
- Andreou, G., Lymperopoulou, V. & Aslanoglou, V. (2022). Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): similarities in pragmatic language abilities. A systematic review. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities https://doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2022.2132669
- Andreou, G., Aslanoglou, V., Lymperopoulou, V. & Vlachos, F. (2023): Morphological and phonological errors in the written language production of children with DLD. European Journal of Special Needs Education https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2023.2207055
- Charitaki, G., Andreou, G., Alevriadou, A. & Soulis, S. G. (2023). A nonlinear state space model predicting dropout: the case of special education students in the Hellenic Open University. Education and Information Technologies, 1-18 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12057-0
- Andreou, G. & Argatzopoulou, A. (2023). A Systematic Review on the Use of Technology to Enhance the Academic Achievements of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Language Learning. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 145 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891422223002445?via%3Dihub
Participation, either with an oral or written presentation, in more than 200 International and Greek conferences, mostly in the fields of Linguistics, Neuropsychology and Special Education.
More than 1.900 citations (according to ISI Web of knowledge, Scopus, Publish or Perish, Google Scholar h-index 25, i-10index 48) in international journals with high Impact Factor such as Brain and Language, Neuroscience Letters, Neuropsychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, The Lancet Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, Journal of Attention Disorders, Cortex, Neuroimage, Behavioral Brain Science, Journal of Phonetics.
Other information
Guest Editor of the International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
Member of the Editorial Board of International Scientific Journals: a)Theory and Practice in Language Studies b) The Linguistics Journal c) Education Research Journal d) Higher Education Studies e) Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties f) GiST Education and Learning Research Journal g) English Linguistics Research h) American Journal of Life Sciences i) Journal of Curriculum and Teaching j) European Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature k) Advances in Neuroscience Research l) Scientia Research Library l) European Journal of Educational Sciences
Referee in International Scientific Journals: Perceptual and Motor Skills, International Journal of Learning, Educational Psychology, Neuroscience Letters, Learning and Individual Differences, Developmental Neuropsychology, Language Culture and Curriculum, Learning and Instruction, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, Journal of Child Language
Member in Scientific Associations:
Linguistics Association of Great Britain, Greek Applied Linguistics Association, American Association for the advancement of Sciences, Greek Association of Language and Literacy, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), International Linguistics Community Online (Linguist List, Directory of Linguists)
Foreign Languages:
- English (excellent, University Degree, University of Athens)
- French (excellent, Superieur III, Professional Degree)
- Graduate of the English Department of the School of Philosophy, University of Athens, Greece
- MSc in Language and Communication Impairment from the Department of Human and Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK
- Phd holder in Neurolinguistics from the Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, Greece