Director: Vassilis Argyropoulos
Services and activities of the present lab are described in brief below:
- To train under- and post-graduate students in the field of universal access with emphasis on the process of learning in formal and non-formal education including principles of differentiated instruction for individuals with sensory disabilities (i. e. blindness, deafness, deafblindness).
- To design, develop and evaluate differentiated educational programmes, such as museum-educational, educational or environmental programmes.
- To develop and submit European and national proposals relevant to the research objectives of the lab
- To design and develop differentiated educational material relevant to formal and non-formal educational settings (e. g. national curriculum, museums, etc.)
- To develop collaborative networks with the personnel of the University of Thessaly as well as with other members of other faculties of national and international institutions incorporating elements of multi-culture and multi-disciplinary domains
- To organize seminars, conferences and workshops inviting speakers from all over the world
- To publish papers in journals and participate in national and international events disseminating results of the relevant research and projects.
- To create communication platforms (fb, fora) in order to exchange ideas and experience relevant to the education of people with sensory disabilities
- To offer services to the public according to the Presidential Decree 159